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Monday, August 23, 2010

Max's first celeb

Lucy and Max take walks most mornings. Last week, they were walking and saw Morris Dees (founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center and the biggest celeb in town) jogging with a security entourage. Lucy came home and asked me about him, and we looked him up online. The next day, Max and Lucy went to the park again. Morris Dees was running and came right up to meet Max and ask Lucy about him. They enjoyed meeting him, and now he is one of the friends they look for in the park on walk mornings. So, we've been here almost 4 years now and the closest we've come to Dees was having him sneeze on Emily in the checkout line at Publix while she was pregnant. Max is here 3.5 months and gets sought out. He's such a cutie, why would we be surprised?!