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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Back to Normal

Max has had a pretty boring week. We've been sticklers about sticking to our schedule, so he is back on track with getting to sleep on time and relatively easily. He's been in bed and asleep by 7:45 every night this week. He's a much happier baby during the day now that he's resting again! He's also started talking ALL THE TIME. It is adorable - he makes lots of long squeaks and peeps and aaahhhhaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhaaaahs. Ian is out of town, and this morning I woke up at 6:15 to Max talking to the baby in the mirror in his crib. He talked to that baby for 45 minutes before he needed me to go get him! I can only imagine the secrets he told that baby! Anyway, here are some cute pics of Max getting ready for bed last night and helping me out in the office this morning before Lucy got here.