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Monday, September 13, 2010

USAFA Reunion

Ian's 20th class reunion was this weekend in Colorado Springs. We had lots of fun touring the Academy, catching up with old friends, and generally spending time together. Here are some highlight pics: Daddy and Max in the place in the library where Daddy used to study:

Mommy and Max watched the noon meal formation from the wall while Daddy ate lunch with the cadets: Max and Daddy take in the view from the wall before noon meal formation: Max and Daddy in the hotel before we headed to the Academy to walk around Thursday. Note the adorable bears-flying-planes outfit: Max and Daddy in front of the chapel:

Awww, remember when all of our pics were of us in this pose? Daddy changing Max's diaper in a hallway outside his old squadron. He's pretty sure he never in a million years would have guessed he'd be doing this when he was a cadet! We found the old Wolfpack sign from his squadron. Now that everyone has cell phones, they'd turned the old phone room into a snack area:
We stopped by to visit Gen. Clark. He taught Ian to fly B-1s and then was his boss in Iraq. Now he's the Commandant of Cadets:
At the game. AF beat BYU, 35-14! We spent most of the game walking from end zone to end zone - Max was not a happy camper in the loud stands!
Max and Daddy after the first touchdown: