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Saturday, October 16, 2010


(These pictures are in reverse-order of our trip) On the way out, we saw the flamingos standing on one leg. When I turned to pick Max up to look, he was being a flamingo and using one leg, too!
He was very interested in the waterfalls that ran in front of the river otter exhibit.
Checking out the lazy lions.
" Oh Mommy," says Max. "The Zoo is so fun!"
We got Sophie out to play, and Max wasn't sure why.
Then we looked in the field and saw a real, live Sophie!
Clearly, he was not intimidated by the giant Sophies standing just feet away. But we did spend a lot of time holding Sophie up next to the REAL Sophies and trying to see if they were similar. If it didn't wow Max, at least it was highly entertaining to the people eating lunch at the Overlook Cafe right behind us.
We saw a momma chimpanzee swinging around and around with her baby hanging on tight. You can't see her in the picture, but pretend you can and this is us doing a similar thing.
The first thing we saw that was neat-o was the rhino. He reminded us of our book Hippo, No Rhino! He lived right next door to the elephants. The elephants have a baby elephant. You can sort of see him on the far left side of the picture, but not really.