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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Family Zoo Day

We went to the zoo together on Saturday. We met Max's new friend Hale at the gate. They enjoyed checking each other out! Hale was a bundle of energy and soon ditched us to run through the zoo at a 22-month-old's pace. Max didn't mind being ditched. He liked hanging with Mom and Dad!
Hi fans!
The lions were making lots of noises. Max liked watching that!
We ran into another friend there, Baby John. We rode the train with John and his family. It was Max's first train experience.
John was very good with Max and let him pat him on the face and tug his hair. Max was intrigued by such a big boy (John is 15 months)
Max did NOT like the two train tunnels. All the little kids scream when you go through them. Max screamed when they did, but not from fun. He was scared! Daddy held him and showed him the pretty lake to help calm down.
Just after the scary tunnel
At the end of the day, we tried for a family photo. It didnt work too well!