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Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Max has always played on the mat on the bathroom floor while we get ready in the morning. For the last couple of weeks, he has been migrating from on-the-mat to scooching-off-the-mat. THIS morning, he was a scoocher and went exploring all over the place. It cracked me up, so here's a virtual play-by-play of Max's morning rounds. He started by crawling over to see the grate in the floor: Grate looks good, so I think I'll hit it and the floor for a minute and see what happens:
WAIT, my duckies are over there - need to change tracks!
I will scooch around, I will scooch around, I will scooch around...
Forget the ducks, check out that door!
That door is so awesome I'm going to try to grab it. I bet it tastes yummy!
Now looky there - I tapped the door and it swung wider open. THAT IS INSANE!!
Well let me just see if I can do that again:
DANG, it closed again!
Hiding from Mommy:
There Max is!
Hiding again
I see you!
And then Max shut the door in my face!