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Saturday, May 21, 2011

Family Day at the Zoo

We decided to hit the zoo this morning before the temps got too high and the crowds to crowded. We rented a zoo stroller for Max, and he had fun driving it! One of our first stops was the playground. Now that we have shoes and can walk, it was a LOT to take in! Max's first foray into fun was trying to crawl up the slide like he does at Gymboree. It was MUCH harder with shoes on and a bigger, steeper slide.
Then Daddy got him set to slide like a big boy
Yay, fun!
Back to work...
There were lots of sticks to play with on the ground
We walked all over the place on the cushiony mulch
Even checked out the tire swing!
After seeing all the animals, it was time to go. It would be un-American to leave the zoo without riding the train first!
Proof Mommy was there too :)