Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Monday, September 19, 2011

Wordy gurdy

Max has a decent list of words now.  It's enough for us to be able to figure out most of his needs - hooray! I wanted to try to capture a list of them for posterity:

  • Daddy
  • Mommy
  • Mik - milk
  • Cah - car
  • tuck - truck
  • Stets - steps
  • Sit
  • No (whoever I'm talking to is not supposed to do what they are doing)
  • No no (I'm not supposed to do this)
  • book
  • Ba - paci
  • Fie - fire (in pictures in Goodnight Moon and other books)
  • Duck
  • Shee - sheep
  • Poopoo - I've pooped my diaper
  • Shoes
  • Sauce - socks
  • Hat
  • Fee - feet
He also knows the noises for fire trucks, cars, ducks, pigs, sheep, horses and cows.  A truck drove by the house while he was still in his crib this morning, and we heard him say 'tuck!  TUCK!  voom, voom, voom'

He can also point to his eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, feet and toes.  We're working on tummy, hands, neck and cheeks.  He can also identify other people's eyes, ears, nose, mouth, tongue, feet and toes - just don't ask him to point to your nose or he will shove his finger up it!  He can identify all the same parts on pictures of people, too.