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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Eat Goats!

We went to Annapolis for the Air Force-Navy game yesterday.  Max had a great time - we made it until half time and he was very good the whole time.  He only got upset at the flyover (it was LOUD) and when Daddy would yell.  He was 100 times better than the game we did last year - he even laughed when Navy fired their cannons when they did something good.  Here he is headed to the USAFA tailgate.
And the three of us in the stands.  Note the three different AF sweatshirts.  We felt like dorks until we realized almost every single person there was sporting a family set of USAFA or USNA gear.

When we left at the half, we were up 21-3.  When we checked the score at home, it was 28-20, and so we turned on the last few minutes of the game.  Glad we did - it ended in overtime with AF blocking Navy's kick for a 35-34 win.  Max thought it was very funny that we were cheering!