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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Touch a Truck

A preschool in Bethesda held a Touch a Truck fundraiser yesterday.  You pay $5, and get to go see all kinds of trucks - dump, fire, ambulance, UPS, construction, tow, concrete, school bus, etc. - up close.  Max had lots of fun checking out the trucks in person.  Lots of kids were blowing LOTS of loud horns - we were pleased to see they bothered Max a lot less than they bothered us!

 Checking out the back of a UPS truck
 Realizing this is where Christmas presents come from...
 Who is driving that ambulance?  Max!
 It would not be fun to be pulled up on the back of a tow truck!
 Max seems to be the only child to realize the gravity of the situation if you are stuck on the back of a tow truck!