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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Some funny observations

1.  Max has developed a semi-fear of his stuffed animals.  He's particularly freaked out by the stuffed monkey. He talks about the monkey all the time - when he wakes up, to the checkout lady at Safeway, driving in the car, truly anywhere we are.  But when he's in the same room as the monkey, he starts getting very nervous.  If he can't see monkey's eyes, it's all good.  See the eyes, and his little face just crumples into a sad/scared face.  It's so sweet and so sad!

2.  Even though he fears the monkey, he's kind of into it and the other animals.  This morning, he thought it was just hilarious to make the monkey and turtle give each other hugs.

3.  He's figuring out the whole idea of hugs.  We had a party this weekend, and he gave all the littler kids (and there were several!) hugs.  He'll also hug his teddy bear.  And every once in a while, he'll give us a spontaneous, non-asked-for, hug.

4.  Our child knows more Spanish than I do.  Seriously.  When he is frustrated that we aren't going where he wants, he busts out a 'vamos.'  'More' has become 'mas.'  Hold hands?  Ask for your 'manos,' of course.  Oh, and don't forget occasionally greeting people with 'hola.'

5.  He LOVES to dance.  Last night, he took me to the TV and started saying 'MEE-nos,' which is Max-speak for music.  We fired up the Pandora (plays through the TV) and he danced and danced and danced.  Kid has no rhythm, but he's sure cute!

6.  He also wants a banana every morning for breakfast.  He calls them 'nanas'.  I, of course, think of Nana Banana every time he asks.  It's sweet.