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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Some random updates

1.  Sorry for the long delay in new posts, but thanks for all the emails encouraging me to get back on the ball!  Work trip and Vet's Day party are officially over, so we anticipate resuming our regularly scheduled blogging program.
2.  We all went to church this morning, and then Daddy suggested we go to Mount Vernon.  We did, looking all churched-out.  Max LOVED running in the fields.  At one point, he ran pretty far off across a field, and Ian took off after him when he got closer to the cow pen than we were comfortable.  I followed not long behind, and heard a teenage girl say to her friends 'look, the mom has on heels.  I bet she wears pearls.  They are SO all American.'  It made me laugh.
3.  Max is a TALKER.  He is amazing us with new, hard words all the time.  This morning, he wanted an orange and asked for it directly.  He is also forming short sentences - his favorite is 'Mommy coming?' when he wants to know if I'll be along for the ride.  He also said 'bless you' after he sneezed tonight.  CRAZY smart kiddo.