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Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas morning fun

After breakfast, Max noticed that Santa may have left something by the fireplace.  He was Santa's helper and took everyone their stockings.  

 It took a few minutes, but eventually he discovered that there were treats for him in his stocking!

 He got a fancy remote-controlled car

 And a Wheely-Bug, which is LOTS of fun!

 A fancy fire truck with THREE ladders
 And a dump truck with a rock.
 He played with Slinky's from his grandparents's stockings
 And kept playing while we called relatives near and far
 A family photo
 And one with the grand-rents
 And Max was ready for a nap on the steps!
 Just kidding, he was only pretend sleeping.
 More toys and playing

...and finally, down for what we expect will be a LONG winter's nap!