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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cool Max Stuff

1.  This afternoon at the Commissary, Max was holding two red bell peppers for me.  As we walked down the aisle, he said 'two peppers, one, two' clear as day and completely unprompted.

2.  Ian's office shindig was today, so we had a sitter watch him while we went to it and got Max's Christmas presents (Ian in Target 2 Sundays before Christmas was, quite frankly, hilarious).  The sitter's name was Susan.  As we were making the you-can-go-now small talk in the kitchen, Max said 'bye-bye Su-san.'  That was the first time he's correctly associated bye-bye and a person's name without any prompting.

3.  He gets tripped up over compound words.  He's known firetruck for months, but now we also have fireplace and fire tools from Goodnight Moon.  When he's excited, he flips them all around in his head.

4.  LOVING Christmas.  The tree went up this weekend, and he's been all about the Chis-mas lights.  He also really likes to play with the Nativity.  I thought Ian was going to fall over when Max walked up to him last night and said 'Baby Jesus' while waving the baby in his face.

I'm at the DC airport now heading out for a work trip.  Lots of pics to share from this weekend when I get back.  Have a great week!