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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Funny Max Thoughts

Max is in a very fun stage, where he loves to play all the time.  We're so busy playing that I keep forgetting to get out the camera!

Apparently, I ask him if he had fun every time we get in the car.  After church Sunday, he said 'I had fun church' without any prompting.  When we left the Natural History museum, he said 'I had fun a-seum.'  And every afternoon on our drive back from Miss Maria, he busts out the 'I had fun Massie's house'  It's nice to see him enjoying outings!

He also KEEPS talking about the airplane and the bus.  He woke up again this morning (over a week later), babbling about the trip while we did diapers - 'I ride bus.  Big eh-plane.  Super fast.  Swooosh!'

He absolutely loves his new slide.  He calls it the basement playground, and is always asking to go to 'bay-men pay-gound'.  He likes to take lots of cars and stuffed animals up the slide and make them go down it.

He's also continuing to struggle with what is real and what is pretend.  He's semi-freaked out by the giraffe.  He walks up to it a lot and stops about 4 feet back, saying 'GEE-affe real'  When we say 'no, giraffe is fake,' Max kind of smiles and goes up to get him saying 'fake.  fake GEE-affe.'  He does the same with some of his smaller stuffed animals, as well as his cars.  He's a silly one!