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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Sweet Things About Max

  • He is very in to reading.  Now, instead of pointing at the pictures and telling us what things are or asking us questions, he grabs OUR fingers and points at the things.
  • He is starting to get demanding about what he eats.  While he was perfectly happy to eat chicken pot pie last night, he cried about it not being tortellini each time I stopped singing while feeding him.  The boy LOVES tortellini.
  • He's still really into identifying what is real and what is pretend.  He gets this look of terror on his face and then starts saying 'fake, fake, fake' if a toy makes too authentic of a sound.
  • Speaking of fear, Max is COMPLETELY freaked out by the little mini-thunderstorms that happen in the veggie section of the grocery store.  For the second week in a row, we were parked by the asparagus when the lighting began.  He was inconsolable and threw himself into the corner of the cart the farthest from the storm, crying the whole time.  It took him a good 10 minutes to calm down.
  • Max has started to really love having a blanket in his crib.  When he kicks it off, he gets upset and starts asking for 'blAAAIIINNNkey, blAAAAAAINNNkey' while standing up in the crib.  As soon as you put it on him, he lies down and goes right to sleep.  Or lies there and talks more, depending on his mood.