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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

We're home!

Max is a funny traveler.  He loves the process, but we also learned he is a real homebody.  A couple of funnies:

1.  On the plane home last night, Max was a happy camper.  Then, we talked to the flight attendant about how he was looking forward to riding the bus when we get off the plane.  TOTAL meltdown - he wanted on that bus RIGHT. THAT. SECOND.  He calmed down and enjoyed looking out the window.  By the time we got off the plane, he was completely uninterested in the bus.

2.  One afternoon, we were sitting in the living room relaxing.  Max walked over and took my hand and said 'Mommy walk,' which means 'come here, I need to show you something.'  Then we walked over and he took Ian's hand and said 'Daddy walk,' which was the first time he's ever gotten us both at the same time.  He took us outside and as soon as the door shut, he looked up with big eyes and said 'GO HOME.'

3.  Papaw Bates has a big tree down in the backyard.  He and Daddy took Max out to play, and told him that one of the smaller logs was a horsey.  Max had lots of fun playing on it.  When he tried to get us to take him home, we took him out to look at the horse.  All of the sudden, he pointed at a bigger log and said 'hipppo!'  We put him on the hippo, which then became a lion and started ROAR-ing.  Max crawled out to the top of the lion-log's head and started pointing at the chin, neck, ears and eyes.  So fun to see his creativity coming out!

4.  I just got the pic below from a friend, who took it Thanksgiving day.  Too sweet not to share!