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Friday, February 3, 2012

Here Comes Trouble

One of Max's favorite activities for the last week has been pulling his phone around the house.  You can pull it walking forwards or backwards, through rooms with the lights on or rooms with lights off, and with the cord meant for pulling or with the receiver.  The opportunities and options are practically endless.

 When the phone gets old, he's become a big helper in the kitchen.

 Please, stick your hand into the drawer full of miscellaneous kitchen implements.  I'm sure there's nothing slightly dangerous in there.
 After dinner last night, Max ran out of the sun room and into the kitchen.  It got really quite, and then I hear a delighted 'CHIPS!' ring out.  When I tracked him down, he stuck his head farther into the cabinet and 'hid' while shoving chips into his mouth as fast as possible.
