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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

More Notes

  • He has been paci-free for almost a month now.  Right after the holidays, Ian put him down for nap.  As soon as he walked out of the room, we heard paci hit the floor.  He gave it back once, then said 'if you throw it again, it's gone.'  Max threw it, and then went to sleep.  We repeated the process at bedtime and then the next day's nap, and by the second night we just put him down paci-free.  It's nice not to have to go digging for a silly ba before very bedtime!
  • Max speaks a funny blend of English and Spanish.  One of his new favorite phrases is " 'migos on the couch."  He sits on the couch with his friends during the day, and likes to replicate it at night.