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Monday, February 6, 2012

Saturday Adventure

We started at the National Aquarium, which is pretty lame.  Imagine a really rich friend who is into fish.  He'd convert his basement into a showplace and have 10-12 fish tanks, right?  Yeah, so does the National Aquarium.  We stayed a whopping 30 minutes, but Max loved it.  We talked about how some of the fish had stripes on their tummies, just like Max did with his striped shirt.  We also found fish with polka dot bellies (he LOVES to say polka dots).  The highlight was the albino alligator, which he calls Chomp, after his alligator hand puppet also named Chomp.
 So after the aquarium, we headed to American History to see what we could see.  We skipped the trains (HOORAY!) and headed straight upstairs to Presidents and the military.  Max liked the Presidents exhibit.  There were lots of pictures of interesting things (read: dogs, airplanes and helicopters) right at his eye level.
 He found this chair from George Washington in a glass box and thought it was soooo funny that you couldn't sit on it.  He kept trying to sit on the ledge around the box and laughing away.
 In the military section, we found a chair you could sit on - YAY!  This was to take pretend photos like a Civil War soldier would have before going off to fight.
 Trying to smile for a picture.  We're getting there...
 The best part was that you could HIDE with the chair, yay!
 Daddy and Max tried out riveting.  Rosie the Riveter had nothing on these two!