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Thursday, February 16, 2012

So Many Funny Things

  • The cleaning people left the painter's tape on the table in the play room.  Max grabbed it and ran up saying 'track, track!' and pointing very insistently at the ground.  We made a nice track for cars, then turned it into a beam and tried walking on it.  Mommy is an ace beam-walker.  Max is an ace at getting close to the beam sort of.
  • He's started throwing funny tantrums if he doesn't get what he wants.  We made Valentine's cookies, and last night he wanted one before dinner.  I said no, and he turned bright red and cried (and, by the way, he's FINALLY started making real tears, which makes him look SO pitiful!).  Fortunately, distraction still works so it only lasted about 30 seconds.
  • Ian gets home just before bed and tucks him in most nights.  After they read, Ian turns him around and they talk about Max's day for a few minutes before going to bed.  When he comes downstairs, I interpret Max's version of the day into reality.  Last night, it was 'balloons, pumpkin soup, thunder not sad, and Gabby.'  Obviously, Maxie had lots of balloons from Valentine's Day that they got to play with, Mommy made him delicious pumpkin soup, you don't have to be scared of thunder, and he had a play date with Gabby.
  • He knows he is not supposed to hit.  When we ask him about Meleia, he almost always responds with 'no hitting May-a'
  • When he gets up in the morning, we let him talk in the crib until 7:30.  He rambles through a list of transportation (truck, fire truck, moto-cycle, ai-pane super-fast, etc.), then starts on about the fire at Derry Hill (from Big Frank), lists off his friends, and then talks to the animals on the thing that hangs over his crib.  He's a funny, funny little boy.  When we get him up, without fail for the last week he throws himself into a corner of the crib and says 'hiding, hiding, HIDING'