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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy Thursday!

Some fun Max things:
  • He likes to look at my magazines for pictures of cars, babies, moms and dads, and kids.  He calls them 'magic beans'
  • He loves to play outside.  We've been hitting the playground after pick up from Miss Maria, and he has a fabulous time running, sliding and swinging.
  • We have a toy wheelbarrow in the back yard, which he has lots of fun filling with 'flowers', dirt, and toys, and then pushing all over the yard.
  • He's very into songs and books (still).  He regularly starts songs on his own now, instead of just demanding we sing them like a little song dictator, and he knows the first few lines/pages of most of his books, so he'll grab one and say (for exampls) 'Farm Friends.  Let's visit farm today.  Know animals say'.
  • He remembers things for a long time now.  He differentiates between getting the fire hat from the lady fire fighter and getting another one from fire fighters he saw with Ian.  
  • He is TERRIFIED of the fire boots Steve and Tricia sent him.  He loves to talk about them, look at them, and play with them.  But if you offer to put them on his feet, he says 'too big' in a terrified voice and backs away as he starts to cry.