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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Morning Glory

Max is SO FUNNY in the morning.  He wanted to wear Ian's slippers as he walked downstairs this morning.  I told him to pose at the bottom for a victory photo (victory for both of us - keeping him from face planting was not easy!) and this is the CHEESE face he made:
 Then he desperately wanted to eat a piece of bread IN THE HIGHCHAIR.  So we did.

 He turned his bread into a dinosaur and was having it run all over the tray ROAR-ing and eating smaller crumbs.
 Then it was sweaters on and time to get ready to go see Miss Maria!
 But first, more CHEESE faces

Max knows so many new things.  He has started singing full songs to himself to keep entertained.  He can sing almost all of his ABCs - he does great if we sing with him, and only gets tripped up with the T-U-V on his own - he wants to go straight to WXYZ.

He has a teddy bear named Mr. Phil.  Last night, he was very insistent that Mr. Phil play with us, and then took him aside to do a diaper change.  This morning, he was right back to making sure Mr. Phil had a good view of the books we read, and then changed his diaper.  When he finished, Max said 'ALL CLEAN!'