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Friday, March 23, 2012

Morning Rambling Man

Max likes to have projects while I get things together in the morning.  Today, he was sharing his milk with the mail slot.  I tried to get a picture of it, but he was not cooperating, so here are two other cute looks from this morning.

Max continues to amaze us.  After books before bed, Ian turns Max around on his lap so they can talk to each other and says 'tell me about your day.'  For the last couple of days, Max turns around and asks US to talk about our days first.  So cute!

He's working out please and thank you.  He'll do please when he really, really wants something.  Thank you, not so much.  But 'you're welcome' becomes 'I'm welcome' anytime he gives you anything.

Yesterday, he got the only cookie while at a play date with Sophie and Bebe because he was the only kid being so good.  We are so proud of him!

I had a couple of friends over on Sunday.  Max loved 'the ladies,' and took them on a tour of his backyard.  They were very impressed we have both grass and fences back there.

Max is a scratcher, so we are working very, very hard on the no hitting/no pushing/no scratching/no pinching idea.  His biggest problem is riding in the stroller with Meleia.  Reaching over to scratch is so tempting!  Maria said that two days ago he rode in the stroller with his hands straight out in front, where he could see them and be sure they weren't being bad.  Yesterday, he was reaching across with one hand to scratch and using the other hand to pull the bad hand back.  Too funny!