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Monday, March 5, 2012

Mother's Day Out

Max and I spent the day together Sunday so Ian could get some work done.  We started with church, where he 'paid with fiends and ladies and 'ginia (played with friends, the ladies and Virginia (his best church friend))'.  Then we headed off on an adventure to the Natural History Smithsonian.  He wanted to start with the giraffes, though was most struck by the zebras.
 Then we hit the dinosaurs, where we made 'ROOOOOOAR' sounds a whole lot.  We also talked about skeletons.
 Then we discovered the Children's Discovery Room.  Max loved all the hands-on playing!  He was fascinated by the chomp (alligator) and his big teeth.  We looked at him for a long time, and he told all the other little ones about the big teeth.
 He also discovered magnifying glasses, though not really sure he got it.
 We listened for the ocean inside shells
 And then found the fish tank, where Max busted right in with all the other kids and started talking about the fishies.
 Then it was off for RUNNING on the Mall!  Here he is having a conniption because I asked him to stop so I could get a picture of him in front of the Capitol.
 And what happened when I said 'OK, got it...'
 We were running fast, because he wanted a ride on the carousel!