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Friday, March 16, 2012

This is the life

Last night, we had backyard play time after Miss Maria.  There was a ton to be done!  We started off playing fire man.

 Then it was on to picking 'flowers' for Mommy.

 Then general adventuring...

 Until we found the trike!  Last fall, he couldn't climb onto it by himself.  But now the big boy sure can!

 So pretty outside!

 We played in the flower beds, throwing dirt against the house and seeing what happened.
 Then back to being a fireman - this time complete with a hose.  He would say 'hose, whoooooooosh' as he sprayed 'water.'

 Then over to Mr. Tree to see what is going on.

 We are having fun!
 Then gathering all the toys and the wheelbarrow and bringing them back to the patio for the night.  Such a helper!