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Monday, April 2, 2012

Funny Max Things

  • Sunday, we went to tour George Washington's grist mill & distillery after church.  Max was very good for the first part of the tour, where they explained and then turned on (or whatever wording accurately reflects opening the gate to allow the water to turn the wheel) the water wheel/grinding mechanism.  Max thought it was loud but pretty neat.  Last night at bed, he told me 'water fast wheel LOUD' and then made loud grinding noises while making a circle with his pointer finger.  He learns so much when we are out and about!
  • When he wants something, he says 'I neeeeeeeeeeeeed XYZ.'  It gets pretty funny when he NEEEEEEEDS a cracker desperately.  He'll say 'please' if you say 'what do you say,' and says 'I'm welcome' if he gives something to you.
  • He is very into playing with Ragedy Andy and Janette lately.  He puts 'blankets' on them, puts them down for naps, and changes their diapers A LOT.  He also reads to them and feeds them.
  • We're pretty sure he's going through a big growth spurt right now.  I swear that every 15 minutes yesterday we heard 'Max is hung-wee.'  
  • He's started going through shy phases when he first meets someone (even people he already knows).  He will hide and act afraid, then start flirting within about 45 seconds.  It is super cute!
  • Apparently, I say 'guess what? .... I love you!' a lot.  This weekend, Max started saying 'guesswhatiloveyou' over and over.  Then he figured out we loved the I love you part, so he started yelling 'I LOVE YOU' at the top of his lungs.  A lot.  He also says 'guess what?'  and then pauses, so I say 'what?'  That COMPLETELY throws him off and makes me laugh.