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Monday, April 23, 2012

Mother's Day Out

Ian headed to Charlottesville Saturday for an event at the law school, so Max and I were on our own.  We headed to the zoo to see the animals and had a great time!  We started by checking out the barn animals.  Max wanted an up-close view of the donkeys.
 Then it was time for snack.  Between the free parking for members and BYO food policy, the zoo is one of the best deals in town!
 He spotted the 'polar bears' and took off to give them a hug.
 The lions were swimming in the moat around their habitat.  It was VERY exciting.

 Then we saw a waterfall (or as Max calls it, rain).
 At another snack break, a mama duck and her ducklings crossed the street.
 We finally made it up to the elephants.

 And then we found the MOST exciting thing of all - a construction site!

 This was at a statue of a mom and baby elephant.  He was very intrigued and we looked at it for quite a while.

We were there for 4 hours and he was a champ through the whole day.  When we saw the orangutans, they were sitting beneath their 'jungle gym,' and after we watched for a couple of minutes, one swung himself up into a part of the climbing thing and took a nap.  Max thought it was SO FUNNY to have a NAP on the JUNGLE GYM.  He's still talking about it.