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Saturday, April 14, 2012

What a circus!

For today's family adventure, we took Max to the Greatest Show on Earth (TM).  We got there early and stopped for snacks outside so we wouldn't be tempted by the $12 popcorn.

We got there early so we could go to the pre-show.  It was pretty neat.  We got to go down on the floor and see the jugglers, acrobats and clowns up close.  Max was a little whelmed but pretty into things.  Once the show started, he would find random things to point out.  For example, when the horses came out they were in 3 different rings.  The miniature horses were the furthest from us, and they all had feathers on their heads.  Max jumped right on the fact that the horses had 'hats'.

And proof that I do, indeed, go along on adventures.
Max didn't talk about it a ton on the way home, but he's been talking about the circus ever since his nap.  I guess he needed sleep to process it!  He's most excited about the elephants, horses and "bats" (acrobats).  And the guys and ladies (clowns and dancers).