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Monday, May 7, 2012

2-year checkup

Max's 2-year checkup was this morning.  The best part was that there were NO shots, hooray!

He's 9% for height (33 in) and 39% for weight (26 lbs) - they don't check head size anymore now that he's big.  He got to stand on the big boy scale and had his height measured against the wall.  It was funny to see these perplexed looks on his face when they asked him to do these things as opposed to laying him out on the table.

The doctor clearly knew his audience.  According to him, Max has 'very advanced verbal skills, ahead of some 3 year olds,' 'may be gifted,' and 'kids like this often have a high IQ but you don't want to push, even if they are bored.' Oh, and I'm glowing and look great, can't be more than 3 months along.  Liar liar, but I'll take it :)

We didn't have a single tear, had an awesome time checking out all the cars out the window during most of the exam, and got a car sticker for being good on the way out.  Great start to the week!