Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

And so it begins...

Max's birthday celebration began before he even woke up this morning!  We continued family tradition and crepe papered his bedroom while he slept.  He was so funny - he told me that 'daddy built jungle gym from ties.'  Then he was VERY adamant that he wanted to climb on the jungle gym.  Fortunately, he figured out that it was just paper pretty quickly...

 Then he wanted to put Baby in the crib so she could take a nap.  He put her in, then reached his hand through to pat her back while she slept.
 Then it was into our TWO YEARS OLD shirt to get ready for the day.
 Before we headed out, Max checked in with Panda to be sure everything was set.
 Then off to Miss Maria's so we could get ready to Par-tay!