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Tuesday, May 1, 2012


In honor of his last day as a one year old, here are some funny Max updates:

  • Max had horrible diaper rash last week, to the point he couldn't sit down without crying.  He kept saying 'police man help Max, fire fighter help Max.'  It was so pitiful!
  • He has started trying to dictate what he has to eat.  He will go over to the lower pantry and pull out the box of his choice, then bring it over and say 'Max want (INSERT ITEM NAME ADAMANTLY).'  A current fave is 'nola bars.
  • His big brother instincts are starting to come out.  He switches between baby, panda and a flat sheep, but he changes lots of diapers, gives lots of hugs, says 'its ok Baby' while patting them on the back, and tucks them under blankets.  He also sings the good morning song to wake them up after their 'naps.'
  • He knows his birthday is tomorrow.  He talks a lot about cake, birthdays and parties.
  • The terrible twos have come in with a roar.  We've had several full-on meltdowns about leaving the playground, getting in the car seat and otherwise not doing exactly. what. he. wants.  Unfortunately for him, we're still bigger, so we win.
  • He's started to get much better at recalling his day.  While he still rattles through the friend names, he also shares little bits about what they played or where they went.  It's funny to see the highlights to him.
  • Two of his besties are Sophie and Bebe.  When play dates are at their house, all the girls like to try on the princess dresses.  Apparently Max always says 'I try it,' then pulls a dress up until it's to his chest, looks down in a horrified manner as he realizes what it is, and starts saying 'NONONONONO.'
  • He watched the big boys play baseball for a long time at the park last night.  He wanted to play very badly, but we couldn't because we didn't have silly hats like the big boys.