Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker  Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


  • Ian and I said something along the lines of 'Max is a good eater.'  Max looked up at us and said, very emphatically and with a totally straight face, 'Max is a good man.'  
  • We're working a lot on polite words now.  He has please down pat, and is getting there with thank you. He likes to say 'thanks thanks thanks thanks thanks' to get us to say 'youre welcome youre welcome youre welcome,' which becomes a big tongue twister after a bit.
  • He is REALLY good at his ABCs now.  He goes into them on his own and gets everything except T-U-V.  If you sing with him, and prompt him, he can do it correctly.
  • He's very into singing in general these days.  He likes to have sing alongs in the car.
  • He's starting to memorize stories.  He 'reads' along with you at the start of Big Frank now, and has some others down as well.
  • He LOVES the Best Word Book Ever and Busy Busy Town.  They are the first things he asks for in the morning, and the last thing he wants to read at night.  
  • He found his shadow this weekend.  Sometimes he likes it and is willing to follow his shadow around, other times he tries to run away from it.  He points out the shadows in books now and is very attuned to where they are around him.
  • He's got very good fraternal instincts.  This morning, he had me close the curtains in his room after we got him changed so the animals and Baby could keep sleeping while we read quietly on the bed.
  • He is very particular about his sleep.  He will only go down easily (and it is ridiculous how easily he does it) for Ian.  Does not matter the time or place, if Ian says it is bed time, Max listens.  If I say it is bedtime, he sings, throws things, cries, jumps up and down, and generally causes chaos for an hour+.  Given that Ian is traveling for a few days next week, we are in intensive training to make him take me seriously!