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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day

We had lots to do for Memorial Day!  We started the morning at the Air Force Memorial, where we watched them get ready for the ceremony (Max liked the marching) and then split because somebody didn't want to be quiet!

 Then we headed downtown, where we walked around and saw the White House, which is where the dog ends up living at the end of Max's book First Dog.  When we asked him what the daddy in the book says when his daughters say 'Daddy, can we keep him?' Max said 'Yes we can!'  He was cracking us up.
 There was much hubub at the end of our walk, as we got Max into position to see Obama leave the White House.  The cars were LOUD and he had lots of fun seeing them.

That afternoon (no pictures, sorry!) we met some friends with a 7 month old at a park in Old Town to listen to a jazz concert after naptime. Max liked the music and the boats, but was not very impressed with the baby!