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Monday, May 14, 2012

Monumental Adventure

It was pretty enough to make you happy just looking out the window Saturday, so we headed downtown to make the loop from Lincoln to Korea to WWII and back by way of a pretty pond with ducks.  Max brought Panda with him, and carried him almost the whole way.

 He was a little bit upset he couldn't play in the 'waterfalls,' but other than that it was a fuss-free morning!

Yesterday was Mother's Day, and Max was a super sweetie all day long!  A couple of favorite moments:

  • We were blowing bubbles on the back porch, and he came over, snuggled up right next to me, and said ''migos blow bubbles.  Mommy is a 'migo, Max is a 'migo'.  
  • We went to lie down in the back yard and look at the trees and sky for a long time.  He snuggled up close and held hands, then got very still and quiet for quite a while.
  • I told him it was backyard play day, not the playground, and he led me all around the backyard, turning the fence into a jungle gym, the dirt by the bird feeder into the merry-go-round, and sitting on a sloped part of the yard saying 'wheee' for the slides.  He is so stinking creative!
  • After dinner and baths last night, he and Daddy were doing bedtime together.  Max got to get out of the chair to come find me and give me a special card he made.  His face was just beaming as if he had the world's most important mission in the world when he found me.
  • All day long, Max did one of two things when people said 'happy Mother's Day' to me.  He'd either start singing Happy Birthday or he'd say 'Happy Thursday.'  I figured the Thursday thing out at about 3 this morning - we don't ever say Mother, we say Mom, Mommy or Moma - he probably really did think people were very excited for Thursday all day.
  • All in all, it was a fabulous weekend and a wonderful third Mother's Day!