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Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Part(y) One

When the kids arrived, they headed straight for the pool!  There was no doubt what this party was going to be about.

 Sophie wanted to take a picture giving Max a hug and a picture with Maxie.  Here's the two-for-one we got.

 Maxie was the lead pool explorer.
 Bebe had lots of fun following the big kids.
 Gaby and Elias were more hesitant about the water.
 Then it was time for FOOD.  We had grilled cheese, fruit salad, Goldfish and raw veggies.  Surprisingly, almost every kid asked for more fruits and veggies, and not a single one wanted more Goldfish!

 Meleia and Miss Maria had lots of fun together.
 Elias wanted more fruit!

 Ian was amazed by the quantities of food the kids could consume!