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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Silly bed time!

Max always helps Ian take off his tie if he still has it on at bed time.  Last night, they were silly and put it on Max!  He learned about looking for your reflection in the window and thought he looked very nice.

 Then he wanted to turn his jommies into a hat after Daddy did it.  They were being VERY silly!
Max went down like a champ, then woke up very upset from 10:45-11:30.  I thought we had him back down for good, but from 11:45-12:15 he spoke to himself, at great length, about fire fighters and all that they do - eat peas and pork chops, drink coffee, read books, pole, loud sirens woooo weeee woooo weeee, go to Derry Hill.  Finally Ian had to go back in and tell him to go to sleep!  It was really sweet to listen to him without his knowledge, but man, do we ever hope the soliloquies hold off until waking hours next time.