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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

No Pictures! No Pictures, Please!

Bossy Britches has been demanding that I not take his picture lately.  Silly goose doesn't seem to realize that's not going to happen.  So we're in a war of wills - he refuses to look at the camera, I refuse to stop clicking.  I think we all know how this will eventually shake out.

 And here are some of him on his big boy bed with his fancy car sheets.  He likes to point out all the different types of cars and trucks and make all the various noises.  AND the big boy bed has cured my won't-sleep-for-mommy problem.  All you have to do is say 'want to get in your big boy bed now?' and he flies across the room, flings himself onto the pillow, says 'I need my blanket.  I need my baby.  CD player, Mommy.  Night night.' and then goes to sleep (assuming, of course, you do all of the items he has requested).  I don't know how long it will last, but it sure is wonderful for now!