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Monday, June 4, 2012


These pictures don't capture it well enough, but when Max got to Fort Ward Park for a walk yesterday he was filled with swagger.  His new sunglasses really finished the look.

Some funny Max things from this weekend:

  • He told me he likes church because 'ladies have a CD player for dancing.'  
  • He is very, very into MY mommy and MY daddy.
  • We moved the beds around to get ready to make his big boy room.  He thought it was THE MOST EXCITING THING IN THE WORLD to see us take the beds apart.  He was a big helper, making sure he helped push every board, beam and mattress around.  When the mattress came off the queen bed, he made this hilarious face and said 'oooooooooooooooooo' so long and loud - it was hilarious.
  • Speaking of hilarious, he accidentally fell over this weekend and Ian started laughing to keep him from crying - Max said 'I'm hilaaarious'
  • We have a countdown to when we have to stop doing things Max wants and start doing what we say.  It's one more minute, then one more time, and then we do what we say.  It's made our transitions much easier.
  • He's started to be particular about his clothes at random moments.  For 4 days last week, he would. not. wear. his. space. ship. jommies.  And then the next night he was happy to put them on.  So now we do options each time we change, and that seems to be working a lot better.  Except when he changes his mind half-way through getting dressed.