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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The beginning of the end...

As many longtime readers know, I've been in for ultrasounds every two weeks throughout this pregnancy.  It's been great - I've learned to read an ultrasound pretty well, learned some biology and human development, and most of all have been able to see Baby Girl very regularly.  This morning was my last every-two-week cervical check, which means that if labor were to start now, while troublesome it would not be the end of the world.  I'll go back in 4 weeks (Aug. 8) for a growth check, and then she's considered cooked enough that we don't get to look inside any more.

And on the same day they released me from every-two-week ultrasounds, they ADDED every two week doctor visits.  So alternating Wednesdays are still doctor days for the foreseeable future.

Baby looks great.  She's 61% for head and 38% (4 lbs) for weight, measuring about 5 days ahead and already head down.