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Monday, July 30, 2012


  • He loves to sing songs.  One of his favorites is 'who put the bop in the bop-she-bp-she-bop.'  When you do the two lines with 'who put,' he says 'me, Max put it.'  And then when you say 'who was that man?  I'd like to shake his hand,' he says 'I am that man.  Max is that man.'  And then he'll shake your hand.
  • He's very clear that he is Max.  If you say 'you are a sweetie pie,' he says 'I am not a sweetie pie, I am MAX' as if you were the dingiest ding-dong of all time.
  • He loves going to Sunday School!  His buddies are Virginia, Lucy and Walter, and he looks forward to seeing them (and the ladies) all week.
  • He's a little ladies man.  We had friends for dinner Saturday night with their 5 year-old daughter.  They were hugging all over each other, and by the end of the night were setting up play dates for themselves.
  • The poor thing is starting to have bad dreams.  He was calling out 'I want to go in Mommy's car, I want to go in Mommy's car, please can I go in Mommy's car' around 3 this morning.  I went in and figured out he was still sleeping, so shook him and said 'Max, wake up.'  He said 'I don't want to wake up, Mommy!' and was quite happy when I told him he could lie down and go back to sleep.
  • He's really good at polite words, but doesn't quite have the phrasing/use patterns down.  EVERYTHING begins with 'please can I have...' So, if you say 'what is the polite way to ask Mommy to get your book?' he answers with 'Please can I have Mommy go get my book.'  
  • Potty training is coming along.  He got TWO stickers yesterday for using the potty twice in one day.  It's slow but seems to be clicking in its own way. 
  • He's very into making up characters.  Lately, he becomes 'Mr. XYZ' very easily.  All weekend, he'd put shoes on his hands and then say 'I'm Mr. Shoes' in this goofy voice, then shake your hands.
  • Ah, the lobo.  Lobo is the Spanish word for wolf.  One of his friends's nannies tells her kids that if they don't do what they are supposed to, the lobo will come get them.  So during dinner, Max will often say 'lobo is coming so we have to eat our dinners,' and then shoves as much food in his mouth as he can, as quickly as possible.  It's hilarious.  Lobo apparently lives in back yards, though we also found his house in the crawl space under the church.  It's funny to see where lobo pops up!