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Monday, July 9, 2012

Weekend Update

It was hot as heck here all weekend (100 by 11a both days), so we had to get creative.

Saturday morning, we were at the playground at 7:30a to run out some energy.  Then it was off to breakfast and the children's farm at the zoo by 9.  We saw the cows, pigs, chicken, goats, llama and donkeys, gave the cow some pats while it took a shower, and then it was back in the car to head to Air and Space, arriving at 9:55 (5 minutes before opening).

While at Air and Space, Max saw his first movie theater movie - Rescue 3-D.  It was all about fire trucks, boats, planes and helicopters working together in Haiti.  At 21 minutes, it was the perfect length for Max.  He left his glasses on the whole time, and only asked to leave when the airplanes took off - that part got pretty loud.

That afternoon, it was naps and then playtime.  Sunday was church, commissary, naps and then LOTS of playing with fire trucks, ambulances and police cars.

Funny Max things:

  • We talked about being quiet and using inside voices while walking from 'little church' to 'big church.'  When we got to our pew, the organist still hadn't started the communion part and a baby started to fuss.  Max turned around, figured out where the baby was, and said 'be QUIET baby' nice and loud.  Then he turned to the person next to us, put his finger to his lips, and said 'INSIDE VOICES' in a pretty loud whisper.
  • He wore his 'I run with the big dogs' jommies last night.  Ian told him what they said, and he found it soooo funny he came downstairs to tell me, then talked about it again this morning.
  • He's very into monsters.  For the most part, he likes them.  Every once in a while, they are scary monsters.
  • He's still obsessed with Best Word Book Ever ('best book ever' in our house).  Between it and Busy Busy Town, Richard Scarry gets at least 30 minutes of star power time in our house each morning.