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Monday, October 1, 2012


We're getting to be pros at the two-kid thing.  This weekend felt like a fun, relaxing weekend instead of our own private episode of Survivor: Two Kids Island.  It was really fun!

We started Saturday morning with an adventure in the District.  While Ian checked out a shoe store, the kids and I took a walk.  When we got back to the store, Max wanted to hold Evelyn for a while.  He is a good brother!

 Then we walked down to the White House, where Max was quite taken by the fountain.

 Over here, there was a preacher yelling about the horrible state of our national soul into a sound system.  Max called him the 'Angry Man,' and was quite bothered by him.  We talked about Angry Man for the next 36 hours.  My explanation about why we don't need to worry about him is that Angry Man went home to take a nap, and when he woke up he wasn't cranky any more.  Max thinks that makes sense, so hopefully we're done worrying about him.