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Monday, November 26, 2012

Dino-mic Duo

Max woke up talking about dinosaurs Friday morning, so I took the kids to the Natural History Smithsonian while Ian got some work done at the house.  We had lots of fun!

We started out at the dinosaurs.  Max identified the triceratops, stegosaurus and tyrannosaurus from across the room.  Pretty impressive given that he only knows which is which from the cartoon drawing on his dinner plates and sippy cups! 

Then we went to the animals section, where we learned about 'manimals' (aka mammals).  We watched a little video about a mouse-like creature who gets to evolve into modern mammals when the dinosaurs 'have a bad day' as a meteor plummets into the earth.  Max has been talking about the dinosaurs having a bad day ever since!

Evelyn liked the animals.  She was very, very smiley in their section!

Max wrapped up his museum time by checking out the fish tank for QUITE a while.  He learned that clown fish are orange and white.

As we left the museum, Max spotted the merry-go-round across the way.  We decided it looked like fun, so all three of us hopped on to enjoy a ride.  Evelyn was a champ for her first merry-go-round experience!


And, because I never post pics of just us, here are Ian and I at a Washington Wizards game Saturday night.  We don't know enough about basketball to really be able to follow the game, but it DID go to double-overtime, which was exciting!