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Friday, November 16, 2012


  • According to Max, 'Evelyn does not talk a lot, she just makes baby talks.'  He imitates anything she says, and is very attuned to her every gurgle.
  • Max's polite word usage is really coming along.  Last night, when refusing to go on the potty, he said 'no thank you, I do not need to go on the potty,' as opposed to just 'nononononono.'  He also said 'thank you for turning the water on in my bubble bath and thank you for turning the water OFF in my bubble bath' when he got out of the tub.
  • Max loves to say goodbye to Daddy in the morning.  He gets very irritated if he thinks Daddy forgot to give Evelyn or me a kiss, and reminds Ian about it multiple times.  He also goes downstairs to get one last hug and kiss right before Ian walks out the door.  I always tell Ian to 'make A's' as he leaves, and now Max's parting words are always 'I love you Daddy, make A's!'
  • Max learned his full name is Maxton Philip Bryan.  But since I sometimes call him Maxton P-Hilip, he says his name is 'Maxton Philip Bryan P.'  Evelyn's full name, according to Max, is 'Evelyn Pevelyn.'
  • Max remains convinced that in order to really be with Evelyn, he has to be able to see her mouth.  He spends much of the time before we go see Miss Reinalda's bouncing from one side of Evelyn to the other, trying to be sure her mouth is in his line of site.
  • He is obsessed with hearing made up stories.  Ian has started a long story, one installment of which gets told every night.  Max is completely hooked!
  • We're working on no hitting and not bothering Evelyn while she eats.  Max is so responsive to suggested 'good' behaviors.  Since we talked about stomping our feet and saying 'I'm mad' when we're mad instead of hitting, he hasn't had any hits with Miss Reinalda.  And now that he helps get Evelyn's bottles and knows he should read a book to her while she eats, meal times are smoother, too.
  • Max thinks that Evelyn nurses from my tummy.  When I was feeding her earlier this week, he got a stuffed animal and stuck its mouth right up to his belly button and said 'look Mommy, I'm feeding my baby tummy milk too!'
  • Evelyn loves to kick her legs and push her arms around.  It's hilarious when she taps Max - sometimes he gets just OUTRAGED that she would dare 'hurt' him.  Though when we remind him that it is just a baby doing baby things, he laughs it off pretty quickly.