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Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Developments

  • We were reading about the lynx in a National Geographic Little Kids, and Max kept saying 'not a lynx, Mommy, a LINK.'  We tried to explain it was an X like in Max, but that didn't register.
  • But Max HAS been working on his name with Miss Reinalda.  He was able to pick the word 'Max' off of each page in Where the Wild Things Are.  He can also identify M and X on the page.  We're working on A now....
  • Evelyn went to her 4-month checkup yesterday.  She is 60% height, 68% head, and 30% weight, continuing the tradition of skinny babies with big heads in this house.
  • Everyone comments on how happy and laid back Evelyn is.  During her checkup, she smiled and was happy the entire time.  The doctor kept saying 'they're NEVER like this!'
  • Evelyn is quite the talker.  She coos and chats all. day. long.  It's a little scary, seeing as Max was never a coo-er and now he talks all the time.  I can't imagine TWO talky-talkers!
  • Max's favorite part of church is the parades, which happen during Communion and when the choir comes down at the end.  On Christmas Eve, he called Communion a 'really, really big parade of families,' and kept saying 'we're in the really big parade' as we walked back to our seats.  He was quite excited about it!