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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Santa Claus Came to Town

It was a very exciting Christmas morning around here!  Evelyn was up early and supervised the adults finishing their chores.
 The tree was literally swimming in presents.
 And the stockings were laid by the chimney with care.

 Before coming downstairs, Max insisted that Daddy stop and read him 'Twas the Night Before Christmas one last time.

 Max was VERY excited to see that Santa had left half a cookie for him to eat!

 Santa is apparently a big Vandy fan.

 Max had his first bagel that morning.  He liked licking the cream cheese off!
 Evelyn watched all of the present unwrapping from the couch... until she fell asleep!

 We had lots and lots of fun playing with all the new toys!

 And Miss Liz came over for Christmas dinner (Daddy cooked lamb and it was yumm-o!).