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Monday, December 17, 2012

Santa Claus is coming to town...

...on the railway!  This afternoon, Max got a special big brother adventure and got to go on the Santa Train with Mom and Dad.  It was very exciting!  First we got to the train station and waited for the train,

 While there, we got to talk to Santa.  For the record, Max asked for a car and a truck.

 It was neat to see how in to Santa he was this year after last year's meltdown!
 Then we got on the train for the ride to Manassas.  On the way, we sang Jingle Bells and got a sticker from one of Santa's elves.

 When we got to Mannassas, we got off the train.  All the passengers got cocoa and cookies, and then Santa told the kids lots of stories about how the North Pole works.

 On the ride back, the elves read us a story and gave us candy canes.  Max declared candy canes too spicy (after he had finished the candy, of course) and then spit a handful of candy cane slobber into my hand.  It was super duper awesome.

 Yay for the Santa Train!  I definitely see this becoming a tradition.