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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

For the Funny Files

  • Max took his first communion on Sunday.  As soon as he jumped off the kneeler, he looked up and said 'Mommy, I'm a grownup.  I ate a white cracker.'  It was precious!
  • During communion, I said 'ok, now dip your cracker in the cup' when the cup came by.  Max dropped his cracker right into the wine.  The guy scooped it out for us and Max ate it.  He has since reported that he only gets to eat juice on church crackers.
  • Today at preschool, he got great reviews!  Miss Kristen says he is acclimating to the classroom very well.  She says that he has something to say every time she asks a question, but that he waits patiently for his turn and listens well.
  • Other kids don't always listen as well, so today Miss Kristen asked Max what she should say to Hunter, who was not cooperating.  Apparently, Max turned around and said 'Hunter, come clean up this mess so we can have circle time.'  And Hunter listened.  
  • Max is in an unbelievably sweet phase right now.  He tells us 'You're my favorite grown up' regularly.  He's also told Ian several times since his work trip last week that 'I missed you while I was sleeping.'
  • He's discovered the joy of competition (Rosencranz genes at work!).  To get him moving at bedtime, the girls and boys 'race' each other.  You've never seen someone run upstairs faster than Max when he's racing Evelyn to bed.  It's super cute, because E and I will be in the rocker, lights off, and her almost asleep, and I'll hear Max telling Ian 'we're going to win because we're the BOYS!'
  • And (cue the Bryan genes) Max LOVES seafood.  At dinner last night, Ian ordered ceviche.  Max ate almost all of it, and kept saying 'can I have some more food that comes from the ocean?'  He asked for some whale, too!
  • Evelyn has been sleeping a little better.  Her routine these days is to go down between 7 and 8, sleep until 2, wake and nurse, then sleep until 4:30, wake and nurse, and then sleep until somewhere between 5:30 and 6:30.  She spends the last hour every morning asleep on my chest in bed so I can get some extra rest.  In the last few days, she has spent that hour chatting her head off.  She has a lot to say!