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Monday, January 14, 2013

Some Notes

  • If you ever wondered when boys become obsessed with poop, it would be 32 months.  We hear about poop all day long, and even got put in time out at the end of dinner last night for saying it too many times at the dinner table.
  • On the upside, he pooped in the potty twice this weekend.  He is very cool about it, we'll see if this is the start of a new page in our world...
  • Speaking of time out, Max has the routine down.  Tori, who comes to play with Miss R while Meleia is at preschool, was getting in trouble.  When Miss R got to '2', Max looked at her and said 'Tori, 3 is TOO LATE!'
  • He is very good at spotting 'M for Max' in various places.  Yesterday, we were driving past a sign for the Metro.  Max yells at the top of his lungs 'IT'S AN M FOR MAX FOR ME!!'  About 10 seconds later, much more quietly, he says 'or maybe it is for the Metro.'
  • Same car ride, completely out of left field: 'I don't speak French.'
  • Same car ride, I said 'It could go eIther way.'  Max: 'It's not eIther, Mommy, it's Either.  You have to talk right, you aren't a baby.'
  • Max is a really good helper.  At the end of Sunday School yesterday, he insisted on singing the clean up song/picking up the toys before we left.  The ladies were very appreciative!
  • Evelyn is laughing a lot these days.  It is so funny to hear her squeals in the noisy mix of the house.
  • Max knows he gets in trouble for saying 'stupid,' so he's starting changing it up to 'stupick,' 'krupick', etc.  What's amusing is when you call him on it, and he looks up with big innocent eyes and says 'that's just silly baby talks.'  As Ian said after he went to bed last night, 'does he think we're krupick?'